1. Unemployment is the term reffering to people (who are of working age) who are actively seeking a job but they are unable to find work.
Bezrobocie to stan bezczynności zawodowej osoby w wieku produkcyjnym, niemogącej znaleźć zatrudnienia, mimo gotowości i zdolności do podjęcia pracy oraz starań w jej znalezieniu.
2. The Unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of the unemployed to the total number of working population.
Stopa bezrobocia to stosunek liczby bezrobotnych do liczby ludzi aktywnych zawodowo.
2. What are the causes of rising unemployment?
-limited production due to lower demand (mniejszy popyt)
-global crisis
-lack of compatibility between the education structure and the market needs
-transformations in the structure of the economy (e.g. when the large workplaces are closing, bankruptcy)
-complicated official procedures and too high taxes
-replacing workers with maschines
3. What are the social consequences of unemployment?
-economic migration
-material and household problems
-living on the breadline (życie na granicy ubóstwa)
-break up of family ties (leaving home)
-the intensification of crimes, addictions, social pathologies
-decreasing birth rate (spadek przyrostu naturalnego)
5. The types of the unemployment (connected with the reasons):
a. frictional unemployment– short-term, caused by change of workplace, profession, returning to work after a break. There is no major impact to economy.
Bezrobocie frykcyjne dotyczy osób pozostających bez pracy przez krótki czas na skutek zmiany miejsca pracy lub zawodu.
b. technological unemployment – is caused by replacing workers with machines
Bezrobocie technologiczne – bezrobocie będące następstwem postępu technicznego, ograniczającego zapotrzebowanie na pracę ludzką
c. structural unemployment – appear when qualifications of potental workers don’t meet the needs of employers (e.g. somebody lose their job due to economic transformation or technological changes)
Bezrobocie strukturalne – będące następstwem braku korelacji między zapotrzebowaniem rynku pracy a kwalifikacjami pracowników
d. cyclic unemployment – is related to economic recession, lower demand (niższy popyt).
Bezrobocie cykliczne/koniunkturalne– bezrobocie związane z cyklem koniunkturalnym gospodarki wolnokonkurencyjnej – nasila się w miarę pogłębiania się recesji i maleje w fazie rozkwitu
e. seasonal unemployment – occurs within seasonal industries (tourism, agriculture).
Bezrobocie sezonowe – bezrobocie występujące w branżach charakteryzujących się sezonowością produkcji.
f. voluntary unemployment – bezrobocie dobrowolne (może być także przymusowe – jeżeli ktoś nie może znaleźć pracy wcale)
a. long-term – długookresowe – 6 – 12 months
b. short-term – krótkookresowe – less than 3 months
c. medium-term – średniookresowe – 3 – 6 months
d. chronic – długotrwałe – over 12 months
e. registred – rejestrowane – when people are registred in labour office (urząd pracy)
f. unregistred/hidden – ukryte – when people are not registred in labour office. Sometimes they might be employed on a part-time basis despite expressing readiness to work full-time.
4. Methods for reducing the unemployment / sposoby walki z bezrobociem:
a. active methods / aktywne metody:
– actions taken to maintain existing workplaces, creating new ones,
– giving possibility to training the unemployed (dokształcanie) – vocational training (szkolenia zawodowe)
– promoting small entrepreneurs
– organizing the internships or career consultation
b. passive methods /pasywne metody:
– support actions for the unemployed (it gives them livelihoods)
– social benefits
- Read about the poverty/destitution (ubóstwo, nędza, bieda) in your books. Pay attention to three poverty lines (granice ubóstwa).
- What is KRUS (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund), ZUS (Social Insurance Institution)? What they deal with?
- Read about types of social insurance (ubezpieczenie społeczne) in Poland.
Take some notes!
- Poverty – a state in which a person or comunity meet lack of livelihood (or the financial resources and essentials be enough for the minimum standard of living).
2. Poverty lines in Poland (progi ubóstwa):
- Absolute poverty/ extreme poverty means that the income level from employment is too low, so basic human needs can’t be met. Poverty-stricken people and families might live without clean water, healthy food, shelter (schronienie) and medical help. This situation is life-threatening (zagraża życiu).
- Relative poverty- People can meet a minimum level of living standards, compared to others in the same time and place. Usually it is 50% of average household expenses in country.
- Legal poverty – the income is enough to receiving money from social assistance.
3. KRUS and ZUS
- KRUS (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund) is an institution established to realize tasks connected with full servicing of farmers’ social insurance.
- ZUS (The Social Insurance Institution) is a Polish state organization responsible for social insurance of Poland citizens. Social Insurance Institution is one of the biggest public institutions in Poland. Its tasks are:
– collection of health insurance fees
– payment of benefits
– control people using benefits
4. Social Insurance Institution works thanks to intergenerational solidarity. It means that benefits for retirees and pensioners (or other benefits) are payed from contributions of actively employed.
5. What kind of social insurance in Poland we have?
– retirement pension insurance – ubezpieczenie emerytalne,
– disability pension insurance, – ubezpieczenie rentowe (renta z tytułu niezdolności do pracy)
– sickness insurance – ubezpieczenie zdrowotne
– accident insurance – ubezpieczenie od nieszczęśliwych wypadków.
Zadanie 5 s. 137.