Dzień: 2022-09-15
Człowiek istotą społeczną/ Humans are social being (podstawa 2022)
1.Humans are social beings because they need the support of others just to survive.
2. Ancient sources of social thought
Plato (Platon) – was a Greek philosopher born in Athens. He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent. His teacher was Socrates and his student was Aristotle.
-no human being is self-sufficient (samowystarczalny)
-people work together to create a state
-everyone has a specific function in the society
Aristotle – Greek philosopher, he founded the Lyceum
-he is the creator of classical antropological theory
-he said, that humans was allegedly (rzekomo) social animals and could not function outside groups.
-ability to communicate and ability to speak are human features
Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman philosopher
-humans need community life (życie zbiorowe – w sensie wspólnoty)
-explains and justifies (uzasadnia i wyjaśnia) the natural law in the context of state
-natural law is universal rules governing the social world
Seneca wasas a Roman Stoic (Stoicism is a school of philosophy) philosopher and writer.
-people need others, not state
Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) – theologian, philosopher, bishop, author of many important works.
-everyone is a part of the social community no matter where he comes from